
cultivating conditions of care to support your full humanity at work.

Hook or Crook Consulting is a diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI) company based in Greater Vancouver, Canada that offers an array of services, including one-to-one consultations, DEI training, and organizational DEI support, resources, tools and guides. 

roots & origins

Founded in 2021 by Nic Wayara, Hook or Crook Consulting weaves the transformative practices of community care and social justice into the fabric of organizations, teams, and leaders.

clients & collaborators

feedback & testimonials

“Nic’s reflection questions are really going to set [our board] up moving forward, and gave us so much to think about. So full of gratitude!”

“Thank you for taking time to respond to everyone's comments. Very inclusive.”

I really appreciated her presentation and her challenge to engage in self-reflection – she helped me to begin to reflect on the differentiation of comfort and safety and how they apply to navigating both conflict and difference. Not just theoretical thoughts, as I need to help my teams navigate these frequently!

“Nic gave a challenging, inspirational, educational, and thoroughly valuable presentation. I only wish I could have taken in more of it, and I hope we have her back soon. It was a real privilege to have her share her wisdom with us and I’m definitely still processing how to operationalize these concepts in my role at [our organization].”

“Thank you so much for sharing your labour and energy in facilitating our session. I found it to be a really powerful exercise to do with our whole team and learned so much from everyone in the room. I think it was an incredible session in imagining and articulating our shared vision. Your facilitation was so supportive and felt very connected to [our] work - I really appreciating your guidance through our day, and I know that others felt the same.”

“Nic did such a lovely job at just laying everything out, she was incredibly kind but tough at the same time, her take no shit attitude really makes it since she's got so much compassion in there as well. I just think the entire workshop was put together so well, had so much to offer, it really packed a punch…”

"It was such a pleasure having you facilitate. I am so grateful you accepted the invitation to come and chat with us. On a personal note, I learned and picked up some really useful tools/tricks from watching you facilitate which I will definitely adapt into my own practice." 

“You were exceptionally capable at being able to ‘hold the space’ well.”